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Job Description Kyungpook National University
Visiting Professor of English
Position begins: March 1, 2012
Location: Daegu City, Republic of Korea
Type: One-year appointment, contract renewable
Salary: About 25,000,000 Korean Won per year

The Department of English Education in Kyungpook National University invites applications for the position of Visiting Professor, specializing in English Conversation and Composition, to begin on March 1, 2012.

Kyungpook National University is located in the City of Daegu in the southeastern part of Korea. Daegu is the fourth largest city in Korea, conveniently located in relation to Seoul (2 hours by KTX train) and Busan (30 minutes by KTX train). The University was founded in 1946, currently has 13 colleges and 9 graduate schools, and has a beautiful park-like campus.

Further information about Daegu can be found here:
KNU website:
Department website:

• Teach at least three courses (a minimum of 10 hours per week) each semester, including English Conversation and English Composition.
• Keep office hours and participate in various departmental events.
• Maintain a productive scholarly and professional life.
• Other duties as assigned.

1. Native English-speaker.
2. MA in TESOL or relevant field.
3. A minimum of two-years of college/university teaching experience. Experience in Korea preferred.

Basic salary: 2,100,000 Won (Korean currency) per month (25,200,000 Won annually). A severance pay equivalent to a one-month salary will be paid at the end of each one-year contract.

 Overtime (About 20,000 Won per hour) for hours taught in excess of 10 per week.
 A housing allowance of 300,000 Won per month (On-campus housing may be available depending on vacancies).
 Private office with a computer and LAN connection.
 Additional teaching (e.g. teacher training program) available, with extra payment.
 National Health Insurance and Pension payments. These are paid 50% by the university and 50% by the employee (deducted from the monthly salary).
 An E1 visa will be issued for this job.
 Summer and winter vacations (about 4 months in total) are designated as non-teaching months with full pay.

Application Procedure:
Please send the following materials ASAP.
i) a letter of application;
ii) a resumé (should include a specification of marital status (for accommodation purposes), date of current contract expiration, and email addresses of at least two referees);
iii) photo, including a full body shot;
iii) copies of diplomas;
iv) a copy of passport front (information) page;
v) copies of undergraduate and graduate school transcripts; the original M.A. degree certificate (or equivalent) and transcripts will be required of short-listed candidates.

Application Deadline: February 3, 2012

Please send applications by email to both the following addresses:,

Via postal mail:
Department Chair
Kyungpook National University, Teachers¡¯ College
Department of English Education
1370 Sankyuk-dong, Buk-gu
Daegu City, 702-701
Republic of Korea

Inquiries: +82-(0)53-950-5829, 5831, 5833
Start Date


Type of Position


English Proficiency Native
Other Languages

Education Level Masters
Employer Profile
Employer Title
Employer Type

University (College)


Kyungpook National University, Teachers College, Department of English Education 1370 Sankyuk-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu City, 702-701 (-)

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Nearest Subway Stn


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