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Job Information
Job Title
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University (College)

Job Location


Nearest Subway Stn

Job Description Youngsan University
Department of Hotel Management

-. Position: Full-time Professor

-. Term of appointment: 2 years

-. Field: Food & Beverage

Application qualifications:
1. Native Speakers of English
2. Master's degree in Hospitality or Hotel Management (Ph. D preferred)
3. applicants who have 3-5 years experience in Hotel food and beverage industry
are preferred.

Salary and Benefits:
1. On an annual basis: negotiable
2. National medical insurance
3. Housing Provided
4. Teacher's Pension

Application materials:
1. Resume with a cover letter and a photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm). (Microsoft Word file, PDF file or copy/pasted in the body part of an e-mail)
2. Copies of all degree certificates and official academic transcripts. Academic transcripts will need to be provided in a sealed/unopened envelope at the interview.
3. Verification letters of past and present employment.
4. Letters of recommendation from 2 referees from related fields.
5. Copy of your passport information page with photo.
Start Date


Type of Position

English Proficiency Native
Other Languages

Education Level Masters
Employer Profile
Employer Title
Employer Type

University (College)


Youngsan University 249 Bansong-dong 99, Pilbong-gil, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-743, Republic of Korea (-)

Owner name
Nearest Subway Stn

Land phone




Contact person

Instant Messenger
Company Description Application deadline:
The Duration for applications is June 30, 2009 ~ July 20, 2009.

Please send your application package to:
Department of Hotel Management
Youngsan University
249 Bansong-dong 99, Pilbong-gil, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-743, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-51-540-7133 / Fax : +82-51-540-7200

You can also apply by email to